A Brachioplasty, commonly called an arm lift, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from upper arms that develops with aging, significant weight loss or weak muscles. Fatty tissues and bulky upper arms may make feel uneasy while wearing short sleeves or sleeveless tops.
An armlift surgery can help get rid of :
- sagging skin that droops downward
- excess skin and fat from elbow to armpit
- supportive tissues under the arms are tightened and reshaped to make them
more aesthetically appealing.
Our Healthy, non-smoking adults with significant upper arm skin laxity are considered good candidates for brachioplasty.
- Short Scar brachioplasty: In some people, the amount of excess skin is mild. They may opt for a short scar brachioplasty procedure as they do not wish to have the extended arm lift scar.
- Extended brachioplasty: An extended arm lift is similar to a standard brachioplasty, except that the incision and tissue removed is extended from the underarm area along the side of the chest wall.