About A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is cosmetic breast surgery which involves repositioning the areola and nipple higher on the patient’s chest wall. The surgeon operates the breast tissue in order to lift and tighten the breast.Both breast augmentation and breast lift surgery can be combined and performed together safely.Breast implant augmentation via saline and silicon implants is the first solution that comes to mind if the patient is looking for increasing the breast volume, shape and lacking adequate cleavage. It is performed to give a more womanly upper body appearance. In the case of breast augmentation, the implants are placed behind the breast tissues. Breast augmentation does not remove the sagginess of the breast.
Breast lift is focused on eliminating loose and sagging breast tissue, mproving breast location, and restoring a youthful and attractive look to the breasts. Breast size remains the same.