About Breast reconstruction is generally a complex and delicate procedure. Women undergo this surgery as a part of their treatment after the removal of the breast (mastectomy) due to breast cancer.
The breast reconstruction surgery can be started at the time of mastectomy
(immediate reconstruction) or it can be done after the mastectomy (delayed
reconstruction). This surgery helps to rebuild the shape and look of the breast. Scarring will fade and improve over time, but it will not go away completely.The procedure of breast reconstruction is the same as breast augmentation – in both the process saline (salt water) / silicon (plastic gel) implants, tissue flap (your own tissue) or a combination of both are used to increase the size of the breast.
Our Types of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
- Upper Eyelid: It is usually done to reduce fat bulges over the eyes. With aging, patients may notice sagging, excess fat and puffiness in the eyelids. Doctors recommend
upper eyelid surgery for baggy or droopy upper eyelids, for medical reasons, as it
interferes with the vision. - Follow your doctor’s instruction for pain management
- Wear post-surgical bra
- Wear post-surgical bra
- Care your surgical drains
- Avoid activities like exercising. Strenuous work, Lifting heavy objects
- Be calm and patient
- Have realistic expectation as the reconstructed breast will never look or feel the same as natural breast.