About Women face an increasing number of gynecological problems such as lack of vaginal tightness, stopping incontinence, eliminate vaginal dryness and vaginal relaxation syndrome etc.
Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are usually performed to correct vaginal problems treatments to bring comfort, sensitivity, confidence and less pain.There are surgical and non-surgical procedures for vaginal rejuvenation
Surgical options for vaginal Rejuvenation are –
Vaginoplasty (tightening of the vagina): Vaginoplasty is
- Vaginoplasty (tightening of the vagina): Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging.
- Labiaplasty (reshaping of the labia): It involves shortening or reshaping the vaginal lips. In this procedure, the excess part of labia minora (inner lips) is removed and sutured so that it is symmetrical with the labia majora (outer lips).]
- Vulvaplasty (reshaping of the vulva): A vulvaplasty is a major surgery that isn’t reversible. A vulvaplasty is a gender-affirming surgery that creates a vulva(outer part of the female genital) and removal of penis, scrotum, and testes. Vulvaplasty is done when your sex assigned at birth does not match your gender identity.
Our Non-surgical options for vaginal Rejuvenation are – energy based devices (lasers, radio frequency based), PRP and fillers
- Energy-based treatments The goal of the energy based treatments used in vagina is to increase blood flow, improved vaginal laxity and lubrication, Urinary
Incontinence. - PRP: The process uses your own platelet rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate stem cells. When PRP is injected stem cells multiply and grow new younger
tissue. PRP regenerates the vaginal tissue - Fillers: The procedure involves gentle injecting of hyaluronic acid injections in the labia majora using soft cannula technique to restore volume and elasticity.