

Congenital anomalies are malformations that are present at birth. Birth defects may include the following conditions that affect the baby in the uterus during development-

  • check-mark-1Genetic abnormalities
  • check-mark-1Growth restriction
  • check-mark-1Early pregnancy
  • check-mark-1Mechanical forces

The most common types of congential hand deformities are as follows

  • check-mark-1Polydactyly (Extra fingers)
  • check-mark-1Syndactyly (webbed fingers / two fingers joined together)
  • check-mark-1Symbrachydactyly (small or missing fingers)
  • check-mark-1Clubhand (A hand that turns inward, causing limited range of motion at the

Limb deficiencies can be –

  • check-mark-1Longitudinal (specific part of a limb, such as a bone in the arm or leg is partially or completely missing)
  • check-mark-1Transverse ( limb is completely missing after a certain point)

Treatment includes:

  • Surgical procedures can be performed for child suffering from polydactyly and syndactyly.The procedure selected by the surgeon will depend on child’s
    specific condition and the type of surgery.
  • Prosthetic devices for missing or hypoplastic limbs